William Amor’s alchemical flowers
He transforms waste into flowers. From abandoned materials as banal and polluting as cigarette butts or plastic bags, William Amor creates a fantastic herbarium, exhibited this month at the Cognacq-Jay museum.
The flowers in the Sèvres vases and those in Boucher’s paintings are matched by those he sowed in this place devoted to the refinements of the 18th century French: roses as large as cabbages or parrot tulips with transparent petals like crystal. William Amor’s plants are illusions. Bags and plastic bottles, fragments of fishing nets found on the beaches and other dust feathers become between his fingers orange trees, mimosas, daturas and giant poppies. He baptized his works The Messenger Creations: “These are the flowers of today, messengers of the most extreme part of globalization. « They crown decades of experimentation with plastics, dye trials with natural pigments, work with a jeweler’s diamond blade or a floral parurier’s embossing iron.
“I want to achieve excellence from these things that you don’t even look at. I don’t forget that the petroleum that we made all this plastic with is still dinosaur juice! »His inspiration is exclusively vegetal. He grew up in the countryside near Nancy and revere Art Nouveau. « Daum et Gallé is a bit like my cradle. « The COP21 in 2015 was a trigger for him: he revealed his work, which had remained secret until then, and let go of his career in communications. Her installation La Déchetterie, a luxury florist, at the Sakina M’sa gallery in 2016, earned her a residency at the Ateliers de Paris. Since then, success has not been denied, with orders from prestigious brands such as Guerlain or Cointreau. One more step towards his great work: « It is not I who will save the planet but I want to change our view of what we call waste. «
Carte blanche à William Amor, les Créations messagères, musée Cognacq Jay , du 9 au 19 septembre, http://museecognacqjay.paris.fr/ ; creationsmessageres.com
Exposition à la Galerie By Chatel, du 8 au 19 septembre, 58, rue des Tournelles, 75003 Paris, http://bychatel.com/m